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It's all about Community Engagement

My Community Engagement Plan


Accessibility and responsiveness are my core principles for engagement.  The primary role of the Councillor is to engage and represent


  • Town Hall Meetings - Quarterly, held in differing parts of the West Lakes for public awareness and a two way exchange of ideas and information.

  • Lake Mac Community Radio - regular Monthly section for community updates

  • Community Progress Associations - by invite 

  • Major event/infrastructure awareness campaigns

  • Online engagement


Townhall meeting

My core principles

Keeping Council within its primary remit, representing the interests of the community and delivering local services and infrastructure. 


  • Real Leadership. After 30yrs of Army service, leading some of Australia’s finest overseas and in Australia, I know what it takes to show courage, demonstrate selflessness and have integrity.  I will hold individuals to account and I will always fight for the community interests.

  • Real Representation. Real representation is achieved through real engagement.  Being accessible and responsive is essential.  My Community Engagement Plan will ensure the real issues are known and you are kept informed.

  • Real Independence. There is no place for political parties in Council. Council is about local services and infrastructure and importantly community engagement.  Only INDEPENDENTS have no divided loyalties. As your Councillor I will focus on community representation and needs, I will work collaboratively with the other Councillors, but importantly I will fight for your interests at council.

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Policy Position

I will consider all proposals and council motions through a lens which considers:

01. Infrastructure 

Infrastructure MUST come before development.  

A focused Strategic Plan for our community which considers infrastructure an investment, not an after thought. This investment will support sustainable growth for the region, whilst balancing community lifestyle and the environment.

03. Reduce 'waste'

I don't mean your garbage, I mean reducing the waste of your Rates on actions which are NOT within Council's remit. 

Remaining focused ensures efficiency, and efficiency ensures more essential services and infrastructure.

04. A Community of communities

We are a community of communities.  That in itself brings challenges to council and implementing local governance.  A geographically dispersed LGA requires much duplication of assets, which quickly dissipates resources.  Whilst I represent the West Ward, I will ensure the community voices across the West Lakes region are represented fairly and equitably. 

05. No bias, no agendas

There is no place for political party bias in the delivery of Council services.  This is why Independent representation is so critical, to ensure Council is not an extension of Federal or State politics.  I will assess each plan and proposal on their own merit, with a focus on Council's core remit front and centre.

06. Reduced barriers and speed to approvals

A reduction in residential Development Application timeframes and entry barriers for developments under a Compliance Development Certificate (CDC). These measures will promote local employment opportunities and importantly support rapid provision of additional housing which is so desperately needed, at a lower cost.  Reduced barriers for small business, in particular start ups through deferred fees and infrastructure costs. 

02. Local first

The Council must support the growth of local businesses first and foremost.  Achieved through the award of Local Government contracts to businesses from Lake Mac and our region over any other organisation.  This will support local job opportunities and profits stay in the region.

07. Adherence to planning limitations. 

I do not support the ad hoc waiving of building height restrictions, reducing minimum block sizes, or poorly conceived densification in the middle of existing residential areas.  Current and future residents have a right to have their investment, their home protected from poorly conceived planning.  Hand in hand with infrastructure, I will only support new developments where a thorough infrastructure plan is considered. 

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About me...

I have devoted my entire adult life to serving Australia as an Officer in the Army.  Over ten years ago, my family and I settled in Lake Macquarie due to its natural beauty, diversity, accessibility, lifestyle opportunities and family friendly amenities.  I am sure you would agree with me when I say this is a great, if not the greatest, place to live, and therefore all the attributes that make it great need to be preserved.  Thats not to say I am anti-progress, but I do recognise that progress should not come at a cost to the lifestyle of existing residents.  We just need to be smart!


Now having moved on from my military career, I am a small business owner and a family man, married with four children. I firmly believe that strong families create strong communities which in turn create strong societies.  I also maintain an active focus in the community, through sporting clubs and as the Vice President of the Toronto RSL Sub-Branch.  I have also raised $000’s for charity (MS, Arrow, and Starlight) through my own volunteering efforts.  My desire to serve remains strong, and I believe the best way to put my decades of learnt skills to good use is through a continuation of that service into the local community, to ensure our community remains the best place to live, work, play, raise a family or retire.  


Am I qualified to represent you on council?  You be the judge.  I have over 30 years of experience in leading cross-functional teams and problem solving in demanding environments, domestically and internationally.  I have years of experience managing complex domestic projects reliant on evidence-based research and decision making. I hold a Masters In Business Administration and a number of other formal project-related qualifications.  I am also widely travelled, having experienced the best and worst that is on offer - Lake Mac and Australia at large offer the best! 


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